D-Beat Radio
D-Beat Radio is all kinds of punk rock music with some shit in between. The show includes d-beat, crust, thrash, '77, Oi, street punk, hardcore, pop punk, death metal, anarcho, peace punk, garage, power violence, grindcore, riot girl, skate punk, even some good ol' rock n' roll. Jump in at any episode!
@d_beatradio - #dbeatradio - dbeatradio@gmail.com
D-Beat Dylan is the bass player for Against Empire, DogsHolyLife, and Form Rank out of Los Angeles.
D-Beat Radio: Listen to it... Or don't.
D-Beat Radio
Special Edition of DBR: Wouldst Thou Like To Live Deliciously
D-Beat Dylan
"Black Phillip, Black Phillip, a crown grows out his head. Black Phillip, Black Phillip, to nanny queen is wed. Jump to the fence post. Running in the stall. Black Phillip, Black Phillip, king of all."
Happy Halloween!
Track List