D-Beat Radio
D-Beat Radio is all kinds of punk rock music with some shit in between. The show includes d-beat, crust, thrash, '77, Oi, street punk, hardcore, pop punk, death metal, anarcho, peace punk, garage, power violence, grindcore, riot girl, skate punk, even some good ol' rock n' roll. Jump in at any episode!
@d_beatradio - #dbeatradio - dbeatradio@gmail.com
D-Beat Dylan is the bass player for Against Empire, DogsHolyLife, and Form Rank out of Los Angeles.
D-Beat Radio: Listen to it... Or don't.
D-Beat Radio
D-Beat Radio: Part 57 - 800 Miles Per Hour
"If you stopped earth and you weren't seatbelt buckled to the earth, you would fall over and roll 800 miles an hour due east. It would kill everyone on earth. People would be flying out of windows, and that would just be a bad day on earth."
- Neil DeGrasse Tyson
Track List