D-Beat Radio
D-Beat Radio is all kinds of punk rock music with some shit in between. The show includes d-beat, crust, thrash, '77, Oi, street punk, hardcore, pop punk, death metal, anarcho, peace punk, garage, power violence, grindcore, riot girl, skate punk, even some good ol' rock n' roll. Jump in at any episode!
@d_beatradio - #dbeatradio - dbeatradio@gmail.com
D-Beat Dylan is the bass player for Against Empire, DogsHolyLife, and Form Rank out of Los Angeles.
D-Beat Radio: Listen to it... Or don't.
D-Beat Radio
D-Beat Radio: Part 54 - Evan Thomas Luker 1987-2024
This one's for Evan Luker. Punk rocker, skateboarder, friend, and guitarist of my very first band, The Third Estate. Part 54 is a combination of 3rd Estate's music, a bunch of Evan's favorite songs, and a couple tracks that touch on loss and drug addition.
R.I.P. Evan Thomas Luker 1987-2024 - Miss ya, buddy! Up the punx!
Track List